Friday, April 13, 2012


I think we've all seen this inspirational quote in some form or the other, but it is so true.  I don't know how many times I tell myself oh, tomorrow.  This is especially true for fitness.  I finally started and once you start, you just can't stop!  Today was a great reminder of how far I have come in just a few short months and it wouldn't have happened if I hadn't started 01/03/2012!

Today was workout 10 again and it was so much easier than Tuesday.  When I did the 30 day shred, jumping lunges were a level 3 move.  I would do maybe 20 seconds of them before my legs were on fire, then I would need to switch to the modified alternating lunges.  Today, they were nothing!  I actually like them now.  I would have never imagined that a couple of months ago, it's crazy.  This doesn't just apply to fitness, it applies to so many things in life.  If you want change- just do it, you'll never regret taking action to making your life better.

There is really only one move I am struggling with- pigeon squats with bicep curls.  You stand in almost a tree like yoga position and squat down while doing a bicep curl.  Balance is my weak point, that's okay it's just something to work towards.

Today was not the best body revolution food day.  Sometimes you just have to do the best you can with what you're working with.

I woke up late this morning and had to get myself ready, my son ready and feed us both within half an hour of waking up.  So today it was cereal topped with kiwi and raspberry.  Okay, I have never had these 2 fruits together and this combination tastes like CANDY. 

Then today was girls lunch with my wonderful, supportive best girls at P.F. Changs.  I had the lettuce wraps.  Though these were within calorie range, I am sure there is something in there I was definitely not supposed to have. 

My hubby wanted to cook bolognese sauce tonight and sometimes you just have to compromise!  So I had a small portion of the bolognese on top of whole wheat pasta. 

Check out the fortune I got at P.F. Changs.  How cool is that?

I hope everyone has an absolutely fabulous weekend!  Cardio tomorrow and rest day Sunday!  Whoot! :)

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