Friday, May 11, 2012

farmer's market.gluten free cooking.marveling @ toddlerhood.good friend.reading.movies.napping.

One more workout left.  How did I get here so fast?  Time is so precious and goes by way too quickly.  The above list is how I have been spending my time the last couple of weeks.  I've been a bad blogger and I am making no excuses. I just needed a break from my computer.  I have not taken a break from Jillian though.  We've been spending quality time together daily- except for Sundays, we're sick of each other by then.


Gluten intolerance test came back positive.  This is not a shock to me, reading about it.... I had all the symptoms.  What did shock me was all the crappy memories and feelings it brought to the surface and the anger I felt that I hadn't been diagnosed sooner.  That's all I am going to say about the negative aspect though.  I strongly believe that I was meant to have this discovery now and learn all of the lessons I am learning in this moment.  The positives far outweigh the negatives- I FEEL amazing.  I never knew I could have this much energy and be free of stomach pain, joint pain and headaches.  It is truly incredible and I am so grateful I finally found a doctor who looked for the cause and not the symptoms.

I have discovered a lot of awesome gluten free recipes.  I'll feature the teff crepes today.  These crepes were made from Teff flour.  If you have ever had Ethiopian, this is the same flour used to make the spongey bread you use- OMG, so good.

I am going to make some teff scones next time I feel like a 'treat'!

Oh and this is my not necessarily gluten free, but it is my new favorite way to have oatmeal.  After the oats are cooked add a tsp of vanilla extract and let sit for 5 minutes.  Top with half a cut of thawed frozen strawberries with the juice and some slivered almonds- sooooo good.  These are normal gluten free rolled oats, but it would work fantastic with steel cut as well.

What's next?

LES MILLS PUMP!  I am so excited!  I think this is going to be a really good change for me.  I have previewed some of the program and it looks really fun.  It does have that cheesy 'BeachBody Feel' and of course there is a plug for Shakeology at the end, but all the instructors are hot- so I think I can look past it.  I also really like that the program is not as prescriptive.  There are 3 strength training days, 1 yoga day and 1 abs day with walking encouraged on the flow and abs day and one other day for a total of 6 days.  This will give me some flexibility to hybrid in some of my other workouts for cardio (walk days)  So, even though tomorrow is the last scheduled cardio 3 day I'll likely see it again.


I have received a lot of compliments the last week about how good I look, so I think I have definitely got results.  Momma even got whistled at twice this week- nice!  It is really hard to see on myself, so I am pretty excited to see the before and afters next to each other.  I will definitely post them here as well.

Blogging Future:

I will continue to blog.  I am not going to put pressure on myself to blog everday like I was.  Maybe a few times a week will be sustainable for me.  Even though I haven't been blogging, I have been reading on my phone and am super happy everyone is sticking with it despite some challenges!  It's going to be great to finish.

I'm off to enjoy a bike ride with my wonderful hubby and this little cutie.  We have the best weekend planned!  I hope everyone has a great weekend!

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